Friday 27 May 2016

WW1 Tanks

Archie and I had to make presentation about WW1. So we chose tanks. We made a google slide and recorded it on screen-castify. In one bit of the video theres a glitch. Here is the link: WW1 Tank presentation


  1. Well done boys. Your post above gave me an insight into what to expect which really helps. I like the way that you compared the two tanks, it certainly helps to gain a better understanding of how much things have changed. It was great to see that you attempted to talk to your slights rather than just reading directly from them. You should be proud of your achievements.

  2. Nice effort boys, I think that comparing older and modern day tanks was good. Nice touch at the end imposing your heads into those photos. Maybe a something to think about for next time is not to record the youtube clip, refer to it in your presentation or be selective about what you show. I liked the way you persevered with the recording glitches. Have a look at Holly M's screencast which shows you how to upload to blog. Great effort, make sure you reflect on your learning and what or how you might do things differently next time.
