Thursday 26 May 2016

Cross Country

Cross Country

On Wednesday (18/5/16) we did cross country. I had to help the little kids by running with the back people and cheer them on. It was actually quite fun!  When it was time for my race I lined up at the start line. Samuel and I were quite nervous.  Mrs Alleyway shouted "On your marks, Get set, GO!" and we were off. Samuel and I ran together because we had the same pace. Halfway through the track i got really bad stitch and it hurt to run. Because I had stitch Samuel ran ahead of me. I ran past Miss Hannah and she said that I don’t have to do cross country in high school, I was glad and kept running. I came to the finish line just after Samuel. I was exhausted but glad that I finished and that I didn’t have to do it again. Then my dad gave me a sausage and told me that he ordered me a sausage but I didn’t collect it. This was because i didn’t know. He also told me that they ran out of bread so I didn't get bread with it.


  1. You did really well in cross country training and in the day. You didn't give up you kept pushing on till the end

  2. Well done Marcus I was also relieved that there is no cross country in high school

  3. I liked the way you guys kept going and finished. Cross country is not for everyone and you showed perseverance. Well done.

  4. Noice work little buddy!!

  5. i like sauseges too
