Friday 20 May 2016

Book Reviews

This page is a book review page. Any books I read I will put them on here and review them.
( I will not tell you Much about these books. You will have to read them yourself if you want to find out what happens )

Tin's by Alex Shearer

Fergal is a self-confessed nerd with an eccentric hobby: tin collecting. He likes the lucky dip aspect of buying tins that have their labels missing - after all, you never know what might be inside. It's Fergal's idea of living dangerously. That is, until the day he innocently opens up a tin to find . . . a bloodied human finger. Everyone thinks it's a joke. But not Fergal - and when his next tin discovery is a note with the word 'Help' scribbled on it, he feels compelled to track down the factory responsible for these mysterious and macabre products. Fergal might be hungry to play detective, but has he opened a can of worms . . . ?

Funny, frightening and totally gross I rate this book 8.4/10

Bear Grylls Mud sweat and tears

This is a biography about Bear Grylls. 

What would it be like to jump from an aeroplane or to climb the highest mountain in the world, to survive in extreme conditions or train for the SAS? Bear Grylls knows the answers. 

Read the amazing true life story of Bear, the world's most intrepid young explorer. From his childhood on the Isle of Wight, learning to sail and climb with his father, to teenage mountaineering and martial arts training, he has always sought the ultimate in adventure. 

After surviving the gruelling selection course for the SAS Reserves as a young man, he suffered a horrific parachuting accident and broke his back in three places. Would he ever walk again? Only eighteen months later, defying doctors' expectations, Bear became one of the youngest ever climbs to scale Everest, aged only twenty-three. And this was just the beginning of his many adventures...
This is a great book for those who like Bear Grylls. I like this book a lot and it is very inspirational. I rate this book 8.7/10

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