Monday 30 May 2016

Friday Club

Friday clubs

We are doing clubs on  a Friday. I chose movie making because i want to learn how to use stop motion, make cool videos and I want to make cool scenes and learn to make them better.

I made two stop motion pictures with Hayato and Samuel which was great fun. It was interesting finding out what worked better and what didn't. Its also interesting watching the videos a day later and you realise what you could do to improve the video.

I enjoyed making the scene and watching the outcome. I have already learnt what to do to improve the video for next time

My goal for next time is to bring my lego race cars and make a racing scene (Or start it) with Samuel and Hayato. Here are the videos:


  1. It was about 52 pictures for the 2 second video! Patience is key for stop motion!

  2. Yes patience and planning. It helps if you develop a story line first. Now that you have had a play, think about what you want your characters to be doing and what you want your setting to look like. Good start though Marcus.

  3. Good start Marcus - I like it. If you can't change the camera angle to hide the background 'goings on,' another option could be to create your own backdrop on card. This will help to hide all the unwanted movements of people.
