Monday 30 May 2016

Friday Club

Friday clubs

We are doing clubs on  a Friday. I chose movie making because i want to learn how to use stop motion, make cool videos and I want to make cool scenes and learn to make them better.

I made two stop motion pictures with Hayato and Samuel which was great fun. It was interesting finding out what worked better and what didn't. Its also interesting watching the videos a day later and you realise what you could do to improve the video.

I enjoyed making the scene and watching the outcome. I have already learnt what to do to improve the video for next time

My goal for next time is to bring my lego race cars and make a racing scene (Or start it) with Samuel and Hayato. Here are the videos:

Sunday 29 May 2016


Today (29.5.16) I baked a honey cake. It was easier then the brownies. It took about 25 minutes to prep and 45 minutes to bake. It was very easy and simple (Even for me). Here is the recipe and some photos:

Before and After

Friday 27 May 2016

WW1 Tanks

Archie and I had to make presentation about WW1. So we chose tanks. We made a google slide and recorded it on screen-castify. In one bit of the video theres a glitch. Here is the link: WW1 Tank presentation

Thursday 26 May 2016

Cross Country

Cross Country

On Wednesday (18/5/16) we did cross country. I had to help the little kids by running with the back people and cheer them on. It was actually quite fun!  When it was time for my race I lined up at the start line. Samuel and I were quite nervous.  Mrs Alleyway shouted "On your marks, Get set, GO!" and we were off. Samuel and I ran together because we had the same pace. Halfway through the track i got really bad stitch and it hurt to run. Because I had stitch Samuel ran ahead of me. I ran past Miss Hannah and she said that I don’t have to do cross country in high school, I was glad and kept running. I came to the finish line just after Samuel. I was exhausted but glad that I finished and that I didn’t have to do it again. Then my dad gave me a sausage and told me that he ordered me a sausage but I didn’t collect it. This was because i didn’t know. He also told me that they ran out of bread so I didn't get bread with it.

Wednesday 25 May 2016


For reading I did a Poplet about all the characters in the book so far ( the boy in the striped PJ's ) Here it is:

Sunday 22 May 2016


You should know by now that I'm doing cooking as my hobby. If you don't know, well I am! 

Today (22/5/16) I baked some brownies. Here is the recipe and some photos.

Friday 20 May 2016



Feel free to leave suggestions of quotes on comments and I will probably put them on this page. 

Quote of the day:

Quote of the day:


Quote of the day:

Quote of the day:

Quote of the day:

This Quote of the Day was suggested by anonymous. Big thumbs up to him/her! Quote of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
Quote of the Day:

Quote of the Day:

Quote of the Day:

Quote of the Day:


Book Reviews

This page is a book review page. Any books I read I will put them on here and review them.
( I will not tell you Much about these books. You will have to read them yourself if you want to find out what happens )

Tin's by Alex Shearer

Fergal is a self-confessed nerd with an eccentric hobby: tin collecting. He likes the lucky dip aspect of buying tins that have their labels missing - after all, you never know what might be inside. It's Fergal's idea of living dangerously. That is, until the day he innocently opens up a tin to find . . . a bloodied human finger. Everyone thinks it's a joke. But not Fergal - and when his next tin discovery is a note with the word 'Help' scribbled on it, he feels compelled to track down the factory responsible for these mysterious and macabre products. Fergal might be hungry to play detective, but has he opened a can of worms . . . ?

Funny, frightening and totally gross I rate this book 8.4/10

Bear Grylls Mud sweat and tears

This is a biography about Bear Grylls. 

What would it be like to jump from an aeroplane or to climb the highest mountain in the world, to survive in extreme conditions or train for the SAS? Bear Grylls knows the answers. 

Read the amazing true life story of Bear, the world's most intrepid young explorer. From his childhood on the Isle of Wight, learning to sail and climb with his father, to teenage mountaineering and martial arts training, he has always sought the ultimate in adventure. 

After surviving the gruelling selection course for the SAS Reserves as a young man, he suffered a horrific parachuting accident and broke his back in three places. Would he ever walk again? Only eighteen months later, defying doctors' expectations, Bear became one of the youngest ever climbs to scale Everest, aged only twenty-three. And this was just the beginning of his many adventures...
This is a great book for those who like Bear Grylls. I like this book a lot and it is very inspirational. I rate this book 8.7/10

Book Reviews

WPCA Interactions

WPCA Activities

Community Service

29 January

Samuel And I did some more community service.We counted the stationary boxes for this years stationary and we delivered it to the classrooms! We swept around the whole school, moved old furniture into the garage. Samuel went home and I was left with doing more jobs such as, moving more furniture, putting the new swimming gear into the pool shed, doing some more sweeping, flattening stationary boxes and putting them into the recycling. I churned up the compost and cleaned up the sand pit area. I did a whopping 5 hours and 45 minutes!

Community Service

On the 27 January Samuel and I Went down to Loburn School in the holidays to do some community service for the William Pike Challenge Award.
We did.. Sweeping and cleaning out the chicken coop. We did a total of 3 hours!
[left] The chicken coop all cleaned up[right] a big mess in the chicken coop

Rotary BBQ

Me and Hugh did the rotary BBQ outside new world. We raised $170 and Hugh and I got a free sausage! There were a lot of friendly people talking to us. Some people didn't want a sausage but gave a donation any way. Someone gave us $25 but didn't want a sausage. Thank you to whoever gave us that! I did 2 hours and 15 minutes! 

My Hobby

My Hobby
My hobby for the William Pike Challenge Award is Cooking. I will make food and take a picture or video and post it here. 

WPCA Interactions

WPCA Activities

Hawdon Hut

Wow. Thats the only word i can describe the scenery at Hawdon Hut. Its breathtaking. When we got at the start of the tramp we had our first river crossing. It was REALY cold! We carried on through the bush, it took ages scince it was all overgrown. we had come out of the bush and we had lunch. All of a sudden people started to complain about having no water! There was no rivers to fill up and we got thirstier and thirstier. After what seemed like eternity, we came across a river! Wow it felt amazing!
   We stopped and dunked our heads in and filled our water bottles. Then we had to carry on with the tramp as we were only about 3/5 of the way up. We came across another river, which i swam in. Before long the whole group came in with me! When it was time with a photo i went in the middle and sat in the water.I floated there shoes up and just smiled! :D We chanted names, names of people who wouldn't go in to get them to go in.About 4 didn't go under. Ill get them.[ meaning next time i might have to drag them in!] We set of, again and before long, someone was complaining "how much longer?". Hours had gone and my shoulders were aching, red raw. I had blisters on my feet and bites on my legs, but i kept going. A long, long, long ,long time later we had Arrived! We raced to the hut and took of our packs. It felt so weird having no pack on. We went down to the river and I found a watering hole so we swam in it. It was pretty cold! I got out and Hayato asked me to bury him with rocks so he could dry quick. After that we went back but while we crossed a river my Jandal slipped of! I swam all the way down following it slowly. With a great amount of luck it got stuck between a rock! I held it up to show i got it! That night William Pike talked to us about his very detailed tale of the trip that went so horribly wrong. We had dinner and went to bed. The Hut is pretty luxurious for a D.O.C hut. There was a girls room and a boys room. Someone in my room kept blowing off. Im looking at you Hayato!  In the morning we got into our food groups and had breakfast together my group had Up&Go. We had about 20 minutes in our rooms talking and packing. Someone kept blowing off and it was horrible but luckily it was me so i didn't smell it as much.We put our soaking wet shoes and socks on,    [they actually weren't that bad!] Me and Samuel's shoulders were so bruised that we had to help each other put our packs on and get up! I know it seems weird that my shoulders were bruised BUT! I had to carry the gas cooker and Samuel had to carry the gas cylinders. It was quite chilly in the morning.We set off with a good pace. We came to our first river of the day. It was Freezing! I refilled my water bottle and we set off again. During the day it got  hotter and Hotter and Hotter! Luckily my feeling cold water was now only cold but people who didn't fill up had warm water from the day before. We had got half way and realised that we were making much better progress then the day before. It got even hotter so Hugh and I started to walk down the rivers instead of across. finally we got to the start/finish [depends on what way you look at it. If you were coming back down from Hawdon Hut you would say its the end but if you started the tramp it would be...ETC] But we may of finished the tramp but not the whole thing, we had Cave Stream to do!

below: Photos.

Cave Stream!
We enter cave stream car park. Just in time! Samuel was just about to say "Are we there yet?" for the 100th time. We climbed down the hill to the entrance. We came to the entrance. It was pretty cool. 
Mr Priddy gave us a quick safety talk and then we were off. In a couple of metres the water was up to my belly button [And im pretty tall]. We kept telling the person behind us if there was a rock or a drop or a step. I think the cave walk was 45 minutes. We got to the end and we had to go up a metal ladder. While I was waiting, I went under a waterfall and got soaked! I climbed up the ladder and then had to crawl along a ledge while holding on to a metal chain. It was hard work since i had to do an army crawl because I'm tall and if i crawled normally i would of hit my head! We got out and had a little swim in a spring. Then it was time to set of, the long drive home! We stopped of in SpringField, the home of the Simpsons Donut and got an ice cream, YUM! We hoped back into our cars and set of again. It felt like eternity until we arrived at school, I came to my dad who was taking me home. He reminded me of the nice warm relaxing bath and the delicious food. He said, "guess what?" and i said "what?","tomorrow we will have to wake up early to do community service for the challenge!" My mind started going crazy! WHAT! 

Rakahuri Rage


Yesterday  (20/3/16) I did the Rakahuri rage. It is a off road cycling race fund-raising for north Canterbury. In the race it is mixed ages and skills. You go in teams and do a lap, then come back and tag your team mate and then they do a lap. You do this until time is up and every team got 6 hours. The people who went first had to line up at the start and do the course and an extra 2.5 km to spread out the riders. I lined up surrounded by adults who had skins on and sponsored shirts looking pro. I was feeling nervous and excited. Then we were off! I kept a good pace and slowly overtook quite a lot of people. I didn’t go as fast because I had to do an extra 2.5 km. There were some steep hills which were hard work because you would slow down to go around a bend and then.. Bam! The hill is in front of you. I made all of them just. I went around another bend and a marchal steps onto the track! Luckily for me I have cat like reflexes. I carried on, going a bit faster. I come to a hill again which was even steeper and then go down it which made me go really fast! I hit a bump and got a lot of air! While I was in the air a guy dressed in a spiderman costume came past me going even higher! I came out of the forest area and ahead I could see all the brightly coloured gazebos. They still were quite far away. From where I was to the gazebos it was a straight with one little hill going down. My knees were aching but I carried on. Soon the gazebos were next to me and I had to go around to find the Loburn School gazebo. I found it and skidded to a halt right in  front of Hugh, one of my teammates. I gave him a high five and he was off. In my team of 3 there was me, Hugh and Samuel. I limped over to Samuel ( because my knees had seized up ) and asked him what my time was he went over to our time manager and came back. My time was 31 minutes including that extra 2.5 km. I collapsed in a heap and ate some food. I had 2 and a half bottles of water!
I looked at the map to see the track I had to do which was different because it wasn’t the extra 2.5 km map. The orange is the extra bit every person who went first had to do on the first lap. The other colour is the normal circuit.

Before long it was my turn again! I limped over to my bike and waited for Samuel to come. Sure enough he came and he didn’t brake in time and nearly smashed into me! He gave me a high five and I was off I passed spider man's team who also had captain america, green lantern and hulk. I went quite a bit faster this time. I came to the start of the woods and went in. The temperature difference was amazing! It was at least 28 outside but in the woods it felt so nice and cool. I was coming up to a bump and a guy overtook me and jumped on it and went sideways and landed it! About halfway through the track I heard a CLUNK and then i was peddling so fast but not going anywhere. I realised what it was, my chain. I stopped and went of the track so I wouldn’t be hit by anyone coming. I looked at my chain. I stopped, what chain? My chain had come off and I couldn’t see where it had gone. I looked in the dirt and there was a weird trail in it. I followed it into the bushes and found...My chain! I walked back to my bike and tried to get it on. I did ( eventually ) and carried on. I came to a straight in the forest and a hedgehog was on the track. Luckily for him he was following the race rules and was on the left. I carried on and came to the gazebos again. I came to the Loburn school tent and tried to stop but instead I crashed into Hugh! I high fived him and he was off! I checked my time which was 25 minutes and sat down and had lunch. Before long I had done my 5th lap I was waiting for Samuel but by the time he had come back there wasn’t enough time for me to do another lap. Disappointed I sighed and sat down. We tidied up and went to the prize giving. My dad won a spot prize and chose a $60 bike torch. Heller's gave out free burgers and sausages down the back and I snuck out of prize giving and went there. I came back and the rest of my team had left and then they announced the winners for the primary section. A Sefton team came 1st, a Loburn team 2nd and my Loburn team 3rd! I came to collect my prize (and my teams) and got the podium all to myself! When it was over i gave a sigh of relief and dragged myself to my car. I’ve never drunk so much water in my life! I drunk 6 and a half bottles of water!

(Me racing on the track)                (Me waiting at the transition area for my turn)

(Me waiting at the transition area for my turn)

(Me giving a speech to the racers)      ( My team and I, Samuel, Hugh and me)