Monday 27 June 2016

Persuasive writing

Should Guns be banned in America?

There are heaps of guns in America. More guns than people. There have been heaps of mass shootings killing American citizens. So should we ban guns in America?

I think we shouldn’t ban guns. Imagine if someone in the Orlando night club had a gun? Then those 50 people would not of died and those 53 people would have not been injured. I think in America people should have the right to have guns in public. If you had a gun and you were in a cafe, someone might come in a with a gun and start shooting. Who’s going to stop him? No one would want to accept someone with a gun. If you had a gun you could protect all those people in the cafe.

I think in all the states you should be able to open carry. Open carry is when you can carry guns in public. At the moment 44 states allow you to open carry. Also there is a another big problem in the US. If you are black and seen carrying a gun, the police will immediately go to you and tell you to get on the ground while pointing their gun at you. You probably be arrested but there are some cases where black people have been shot! Even though they weren’t doing any harm.

If guns were banned then people will not be able to go hunting. In some remote places it is very important to go hunting and you rely on it. No hunting means no food and no food means starvation leading to death. Also some people like to shoot guns at targets. If they were banned then that would ruin a lot of people's hobbies. There are quite a lot of gun collectors as well. They collect all types of guns but don’t use them.

In conclusion I think guns in America shouldn’t be banned. Freedom is important and if you had a gun you could protect yourself. If they were banned it would ruin people’s hobbies and interests.

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