Monday 27 June 2016

The heist

Here is a stop motion video I made last Friday. I made it by myself. 

Persuasive writing

Should Guns be banned in America?

There are heaps of guns in America. More guns than people. There have been heaps of mass shootings killing American citizens. So should we ban guns in America?

I think we shouldn’t ban guns. Imagine if someone in the Orlando night club had a gun? Then those 50 people would not of died and those 53 people would have not been injured. I think in America people should have the right to have guns in public. If you had a gun and you were in a cafe, someone might come in a with a gun and start shooting. Who’s going to stop him? No one would want to accept someone with a gun. If you had a gun you could protect all those people in the cafe.

I think in all the states you should be able to open carry. Open carry is when you can carry guns in public. At the moment 44 states allow you to open carry. Also there is a another big problem in the US. If you are black and seen carrying a gun, the police will immediately go to you and tell you to get on the ground while pointing their gun at you. You probably be arrested but there are some cases where black people have been shot! Even though they weren’t doing any harm.

If guns were banned then people will not be able to go hunting. In some remote places it is very important to go hunting and you rely on it. No hunting means no food and no food means starvation leading to death. Also some people like to shoot guns at targets. If they were banned then that would ruin a lot of people's hobbies. There are quite a lot of gun collectors as well. They collect all types of guns but don’t use them.

In conclusion I think guns in America shouldn’t be banned. Freedom is important and if you had a gun you could protect yourself. If they were banned it would ruin people’s hobbies and interests.

Tuesday 21 June 2016



Yesterday (20/6/16) I made some Never fail hokey pokey biscuits. They turned out really good and they taste really nice. The recipe made 15.

Monday 20 June 2016

Stop Motion

Demolition Derby

Me, Samuel and Hayato made another movie with my lego. Here it is:

Quote of the day:
Feel free to leave quotes in the comments!

Thursday 16 June 2016


Today after school (16/6/16) I drew a car. It is a Chevrolet (Shev-o-lay) Corvette GT2 Z06:

Feel free to leave suggestions of cars in comments!


Last night  I drew a Mclaren P1 GTR. Here it is

Passing the smile from one person to another (contagious)

Remember to pass on a smile!

Tuesday 14 June 2016


Today after school (13.6.16) I was bored so I started to draw some cars......
Porsche 911 GT
Ferrari La Ferrari
Lamborghini Aventador

Monday 13 June 2016

In clubs (10/6/16) Samuel, Hayato and I made a stop motion video with my lego race cars. We haven't finished it yet because we are going to put in sound affects. It took longer to set up and we took 92 frames to make a 6 second movie. Here it is:

Tuesday 7 June 2016

WPCA High ropes day

WPCA High Ropes day

On the 3/6/16 I did the high ropes course at the Groynes. I was excited but nervous. We started of by doing team building activities. I think we did them so we could gain each other's trust because when you're 25m in the air your life is in your groups hands, Literally. There was a giant's ladder, a vertical playground, a flying kiwi and floating islands. My group did the giants ladder first. We went in teams of three and we had to try to get to the top. It was wooden planks attached to rope like a rope ladder but much, much bigger. At the bottom of it the planks are about 1 metre apart but more at the top it was way taller then me apart. When I was at the top I had to jump to reach the planks. On the third to last plank i realised how high up, but instead of being scared it felt awesome! I reached the top and stood up…. and did a victory dance. The vertical playground was a bunch of obstacles vertical. That was far easier than the giants ladder and I reached the top. Piece of cake. There was a flying kiwi where one person is harnessed up and the rest hold a rope the person runs one way and the group runs the other way. That one person flies really high up and it feels like flying. That was my favourite activity. There was another activity where there were  two obstacles, a telegraph pole on an angle and a bridge of crates which were really wobbly. I was brave and did both. Samuel and I had a competition to see who could go the fastest across it. Samuel bet me by 10 seconds. He did 1 minute. When we finished the day I realised two things, one the harness really hurts after a while and two, I found another sport i’m good at, Climbing. I had great fun and I was proud that I completed every activity and that i'm not scared of heights anymore because last time I climbed i was pretty scared being high but now height is hey!


On the queens birthday (6/6/16) I did my hobby (Cooking) and I made pinwheels. I used a scone recipe but then just rolled the mixture into a rectangle and put savoury stuff on it then rolled it up and chopped it. It took about 20 mins to make and 15 to cook. I put them in my lunch for school